We are so glad to have you visit us. You may have come looking for a church home, needing an answer to a spiritual need, or desiring a closer relationship with God. We hope you will be encouraged today by planning a visit to join us for worship soon.
It won’t take you long to discover that Grand Rapids Alliance Church is more than just a weekend church.
There are classes, Bible studies, small groups, softball, girls nights, youth events and so much more!
These opportunities will draw you closer to God and His community.
If you’re visiting, take advantage of the Visitor spaces just for you! They’re right outside the main entrance on the airport side of the building. Handicap parking is also available in that same area right next to the building.
Stop by the Welcome Center for information or answers to your questions. There will be a friendly face there to help you with whatever you need. Enjoy a free cup of coffee in the area to the right side of the main lobby area.
You will experience a friendly and inviting culture. Casual, comfortable, friendly, come as you are, jeans are just fine.
The service will help you encounter the living God in an authentic and meaningful way. Music worship is led by a variety of worship teams. Each week brings a different style lending itself to our mix of generations and backgrounds. We often enjoy worship that includes drums, piano, guitars, and violins accompanying the various vocalists. There are times of energetic praise and times of softer reflection. Either way, you’ll find that our worship is real and Jesus-focused.
The messages are Bible based. The ideas and biblical wisdom shared relate to real life situations.
Sundays at 10:30am Service times average 70 minutes.
All followers of Jesus are invited to participate in communion. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.
We celebrate generosity at each service with the opportunity to present your offering in the receptacle in the foyer. Offerings may also be mailed to the church building. A special benevolent offering is also taken on the first Sunday of each month to support benevolent needs.